Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Comparative Programmes of Business Education in Nigerian Universities (a Case Study of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma and Delta State University, Abraka)
Current Research Journal of Social Sciences 2(2): 58-64, 2010 ISSN: 2041-3246 à © M axwell Scientific Organization, 2010 Submitted Date: November 18, 2009 Accepted Date: December 14, 2009 Accepted Date: March 10, 2010 Comparative Programmes of Business Education In Nigerian Universities (A Case Study of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma and Delta State University, Abraka) 1 F. O. Ohiwerei and 2 N. A zih Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpom a, Edo State, Nig eria 2 Departm ent of Business Education, E bon yi State University, Abakaliki, Eb ony i State, Nigeria Abstract: This paper is aimed to critically x-ray the business education curriculum of Nigerian Universities a case study of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma and Delta State U niversity, Ab raka. It w as observed that in Amb rose Alli University business education is housed in the department of Vocational and Technical Education with two options namely Accounting Education and Secretaria l Education while it runs a specialized system right from 1 00 to 4 00 lev els. On the other hand the Delta State University runs a 100 to 200 levels broad based system. Specialization is done in 300 and 400 levels.Here business education is a unit of its own; housing accounting option, secretarial option, management option, but unfortunately computer education options is not functional. It was observed that the objectives, philosophy and ad mission requ irements of bo th universities are the same. While courses offered are different in nature. Conclusion and recommendations were made. Key w ords: Business educ ation, curriculu m, effectiveness, pro gram me, teachin g, univ ersity INTRODUCTION Education is the totality of life experience that man acquires and which enables him to cope with and derive satisfaction from living in the word.This is because it enables him to achieve social competence and optimum individual development. Broken down, business education which is a subset of the general education can be seen as the development of personââ¬â¢s h ead, heart and han ds for his self fulfillment and optimum service s to human ity. To achieve this according to the National Policy on Education (2004), compu ter education was integra ted into the primary school curriculum, a welcome development but sad to note that sub jects like shorthand, typewriting, commerce, and book-keeping are integrated together to form business studies thereby losing their original identity.Experience has shown that most people are not interested in business education as a profession with the mind set that it is education meant for the less privilege or a programme, which up on graduation, there is no opportunity for securing a job. This is so because Bu siness educ ation curriculum planners who are not profe ssional membe rs in the field could not design a uniform curriculum that will ho use all the universities offering business educ ation courses in Nigeria. The incompetence on the part of business education graduates also lays on the curriculum not properly designed to reflect the psychomotor nature of our noble profession.Pitman (1974) defin ed curriculum as a prescribed courses of studies. While Hornby (2006) says curriculum are the subjects that are included in a course of study or taugh t in a school, college, etc. According to Okoye (1991), the process of curricu lum developm ent and plan ning is continuo us. It does not end once and for all time. Acco rding to Uwaifo (2006) a close look at the current Vocational and Technical Education curriculum g enera lly reveals some problems that border on inadequate course content.Uhumuavbi and Ebhomhen (20 06) in their ow n vain stated that irrespective of the level of education and training given during the pre-colonial days in Africa, it was functional because the curriculum was relevant to the needs of the society. Unemployment if it existed at all was minimal and very few young men roamed the villages and towns with nothing to do. According to Snyder (2008), a flexible curriculum is important because there is no single cu rricular path to career success. We are giving students more flexibility; this is not a radical departure from our curriculum.Robert and Booth (2008) stated that the curriculum changes allow students to increase the intensity o f their studies. The present Nigerian Universities business education curriculum has overstayed, therefore, it is important that they be modified to meet todayââ¬â¢s needs. This is very essential from the standpoint of academic integrity. One will be tempted to ask at this juncture, is there anything wrong with the present Nigerian Universities business Corresponding Author: F. O. Ohiwerei, Department of Vocational and Technical Education, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria 58Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci. , 2(2): 58-64, 2010 education curriculum? The researchers answer is ââ¬Å"YESââ¬â¢ but that does not mean that the p res ent curriculum on ground can not be improved upon. The reasons for the reform ation of the business education curriculum is aimed to he lp create tomorrowââ¬â¢s competitive workforce by inspiring and engaging businesses to work in partnership with schools to raise the levels of achievement of young people, especially those in disadvantaged circumstances. Business education has advanced the level of ââ¬Å"garbage in, garbage out words systemâ⬠but a leadership role.The importance of the business edu cators is increasing as the business world becomes more complex. Through this programm e, individuals are educated to become skilled employees who can contribute mea ningfully to the overall effectiveness of an office, teaching and learning in schools. It is on the basis of this therefore; the researchers attempt to examine, compa re and contrast the cu rriculum of business education programmes of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma and Delta State University, Abraka with a view to s cientifically reform it to meet the ever increasing techn ology deve lopm ent.This study will be of benefit to the teachers, students, parents and governmen t. Through this study, studentsââ¬â¢ competency for work placem ent w ill be ach ieved . The teachers will be properly informed on what should be included or excluded from the curriculum for effective teaching and learning. The parents will have a sign of relief that upon gradu ation from the unive rsity their children will be gainfully employed or self-reliance. The government will appreciate the programm e, as it will help to reduce unemployment and crime rate in the society.LITERATURE REVIEW BUSINESS EDUCATION PROGRAMM ES OFFERED BY AMBROSE ALLI UNIVERSITY, EKPOMA AND DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY, ABRAKA Business education program mes offered by A mbro se Alli University, Ekpoma are: C C Accounting education option Secretarial education option C W hile the business education programmes offered by the Delta State University, Abra ka are: C C C C C Accounting Option Secretarial Technology Option Management Option. Computer Education Option.Programm e title: Secretarial Studies/O ffice Ma nagem ent: Both universities have the same philosophy, specific objectives and admission requirements as described below: Philosophy: The introduction of the office automation, by the use of electronic equipment has not only brought changes on office procedures and competencies, but also has created new functions in the business offices. In order to met the chan ging o ffice skills, educational have also changed their business education programmes to cater for the new requiremen ts by introducing office management programme.In Nigeria, office automation has become a reality and all levels of government are requesting educational institutions to include co mpu ter literacy in their curriculum. This programme is designed to meet the requirements of the changing office environment and the call by the governments in Nigeria. Spec ific Objectives: This programme is designed to give the students the liability to work in modern business offices and to teach modern office skills in seconda ry schools.Specifically, the programme will give the students the skills to perform the follow ing functions in the office: C C C C C Planning and organizing office operations, W ritten communications and telecom mun ications in the office, Information and records management in the office, Leadership and Human Relations in the office, Controlling office operations. Adm ission requirements: (Four-year programmeUM E): W est African School Certificate (W ASC) or General Certificate of Education (GCE O/L or NECO with at least credit passes in five relevant subjects which must include English Language.Direct entry: C Passes at merit level in relevant Diploma programme of a University or any other institution recognized by Senate in addition to fou r O/L credit passes which must include English Language. Passes in two relevant subje cts at A /L in ad dition to three C/L credit passes or its equivalent which must include English Language, Passes at merit level in least tw o sub jects in NC E in addition to three credit passes in G CE O/L or its equivalent, in not more than two sittings.In the actual sense, Accounting, Secretarial and man agem ent op tions are opera tional. 59 No student shall qua lify for the award of an hono urs degree of the University if he/she spends more than two sessions (four semesters) beyond the normal period allowed for the degree programme. Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci. , 2(2): 58-64, 2010 Accounting Education University, Ekpoma Option of A mbrose A lli ACC ACC ACC ACC 304 306 307 308 Public Finance Com pany Law Banking A nd Finance Quantitative Analysis For Business Decision 2C 2C 2C 2C 24F I R ST S E M E S T E R 1 0 0 L E V E L S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 3 00 L E V E L EDU 100 EDU 101 EDU 102 ECO 101 ACC 101 GS T 10 1 GS T 1 02 CSC 101 Introduction To Teaching Profession H istory Of Educ ation Developm ental Psy 1 E conom ics Principles 1 Principle Of Accounting U se O f Eng lish An d Lib rary P hilos oph y A nd L ogic Intro To Compu ter 2C 2C 2C 3C 3C 4C 2C 2C 20 VTE 311 Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme F I R ST S E M E S T E R EDU EDU ED U ACC ACC 400 LEVEL 15CS E C O N D S E M E S T E R 1 00 L E V E L EDU 111 EDU 115 GS T 11 1 GST 1 12 EC O 1 11 BED 111 BED 114 AC C 1 11 Introductions To Social Studies Intoduction To Special Education N igeria Peo ples A nd C ulture History And Philosophy Science E cono mics P rinciple II Office Practice F undam entals Of Bu siness P rinciples O f Acc oun ting II 2C 2E 2C 2C 3C 2C 3C 3C 19 400 Project 402G uidance And Counseling 4 03 C ontin uou s A ssess men t 402Auditing And Investigation 404 Public Sector Accounting 4 00 L E V E L C 2C 2C 3C 3C 16 SECOND SEMESTER EDU 411 EDU 413 EDU 415 ACC 412 AC C 4 14 ACC 415 BED 413 BED 415 VTE 411 F I R ST S E M E S T E R 2 0 0 L E V E L EDU 201 EDU 202 VTE 201 ACC 201 ACC 204 A C C 2 08 ECO 201 Philosophy Of Education C urriculum And Instruction Vte In Nigeria And Other Coun tries Financial Accounting 1 Introduction To Finance 1 B us in es s L aw 1 M icro Economics 2C 2C 2C 3C 2C 2C 3C 16 C 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 2C 23 Secretarial Education Option of A m b ro se A ll i U n iv er si ty , E k po m a F I R ST S E M E S T E R 1 0 0 L E V E L EDU 100 EDU 101 EDU 102 GS T 10 1 GS T 1 02 BE D 1 01 BED 102 AC C 1 01 CSC 101 Introduction To Teaching Profession H istory Of Education Developm ental Psy I U se O f Eng lish An d Lib rary P hilos oph y A nd L ogic S hortha nd I Typew riting I P rinciples O f Acc oun ting I Introduction To C omputer Science 2C 2C 2C 4C 2C 3C 3C 3C 2C 23O rganization of Primary And Secondary Education C omparative Education E ducational Psychology Management Accounting F inan cial M ana gem ent M anagement Information System H uman Relations And Personnel Management B usiness Communication Professional SeminarF O R D I R E C T E N T R Y ST U D E N T S O N L Y GS T 10 1 U se O f Eng lish An d Lib rary GS T 1 02 P hilos oph y A nd L ogic CSC 101 Introduction To C omputer Science S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 2 00 L E V E L EDU 211 EDU 212 EDU 213 EDU 214 ACC 211 ACC 213 AC C 2 14 GST 222 VT E 2 11 Subject Method E ducational Technology Sociology Of Education R esearch Method S and Data Processing Financial Accounting 11 Cost Accounting I In troduc tion To Finan ce II Peace And Conflict Resolution V OC & T ech .Edu catio n in N igeria 3C 3C 2C 2C 3C 2C 2C 2C 2C 21 4C 2C 2C 24 S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 1 00 L E V E L EDU 111 EDU 115 GS T 11 1 GST 1 12 BED 111 BE D 1 12 BE D 1 13 BED 114 AC C 1 11 Introduction To Social Studies Introduction To Special Education N igeria Peo ples A nd C ulture History And Philosophy Science Office Practice T ypew riting II S hortha nd II Introdu ction To B usiness P rinciples O f Acc oun ting II 2C 2E 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 23F I R ST S E M E S T E R 2 0 0 L E V E L EDU 201 EDU 202 VTE 201 B ED 201 BED 202 BED 203 BED 205 BED 208 Philosophy Of Education C urriculum And Instruction VT E In Nigeria And Other Countries Intermediate Shorthand Intermediate Typewriting P lanning O rganizing Office O perations I B usiness Co mmu nications I Business Law 2C 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 21 F O R D I R E C T E N T R Y ST U D E N T S O N L Y GS T 11 1N igerian P eople A nd C ulture GST 1 12 History And Philosophy Of Science 2C 2C 25F I R ST S E M E S T E R 3 0 0 L E V E L EDU 300 EDU 301 EDU 302 VTE 301 BED 304 ACC 301 ACC 303 Teaching Practice E ducational Administration And Planning E ducational Technology Time M anagement B usiness Machine Intermediate Financial Accounting I Element Of Management 3C 2C 2C 2C 2C 3C 2C F O R D I R E C T E N T R Y ST U D E N T S O N L Y GS T 10 1 U se O f Eng lish An d Lib rary GS T 1 02 P hilos oph y A nd L ogic CSC 101 Introduction To C omputer Science 4C 2C 2C 8 0 Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci. , 2(2): 58-64, 2010 S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 2 00 L E V E L ED U 211 EDU 212 EDU 213 EDU 214 GST 222 BED 211 BED 212 BE D 2 13 BE D 2 15 VT E 2 11 Subject Method E ducational Technology Sociology Of Education R esearch Methods And Data Processing Peace And Conflict Resolution Intermediate Shorthand I Intermediate Typewriting I P lanning /Orga nization O ffice O peration s II B usiness Co mm unication II V oc. A nd te ch.E duc ation in N igeria 3C 3C 3C 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 3C 2C 27 S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 1 00 L E V E L BE D 1 11 In troduc tion to S ecretarial Ed ucation in Sho rthand II BE D 1 12 In troduc tion to S ecretarial Ed ucation in Typ ewriting II BED 113 Principles of Business Education BED 114 Introduction to Vocational & Technical Education BED 115 Principles & Practice of Cooperative EDU 112 Introduction to Social Studies Education AC C 1 11 In troduc tion to A ccou nting II BUS 114 B usiness Communication EC N 1 11 P rinciples o f Eco nom ics II GS T 11 1 N igeria Peo ple and Cu lture GST 113 Peace Studies andConflict Resolution GS T 1 14 Com munication in French F I R ST S E M E S T E R 2 0 0 L E V E L 2C 2C 4 BED 201 B asic Word Processing: Shorthand I BED 202 B asic Word Processing: Typewriting I BED 203 M arketing Management Education EDU 200 Principles of Instruction EDU 201 Philosophy of Education EDU 202 C urriculum Development ACC 201 Financial Accounting I AC C 2 03 Q uan titative F inan cial A naly sis BU S 2 01 P rincip les of M ana gem ent I CSC 200 Introduction to Compu ter S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 2 00 L E V E L BE D 2 11 B asic W ord P rocessin g: Sho rthand II BE D 2 12 B asic W ord P rocessin g: Typ ewriting II BED 213 O ffice Management BED 214 Leadership Behaviour BED 215 Finance and Economics of Business Education EDU 211 B usiness Education Method EDU 212 T est and Measurement EDU 213 Sociology of Education AC C 2 11 F inancial A ccou nting II BU S 21 1 Princ iples of M anag emen t II 2C 2C 2C 2C 2E 3C 3C 2C 3C 2E 23 Accounting Option 300 Level of Delta State University, Abraka BED BED EDU EDU EDU ACC ACC ACC BUS 302 B usiness Edu cation Statistics I 303 B anking Education 300 Teaching Practice 301 E ducational Administration and Planning 302 Educational Technology 301 Corporate Accounting I 303 Cost Accounting I 305 Auditing B us in es s L aw I 2C 2C 3C 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 2C 22 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2E 3C 3C 22F O R D I R E C T E N T R Y ST U D E N T S O N L Y GS T 11 1N igerian P eople a nd C ulture GST 1 12 History And Philosophy of Science 4 F IR S T S E M E S T E R 3 00 L E V E L EDU 300 Teaching Practice EDU 301 E ducational Administration And Planning EDU 302 E ducational Technology VTE 301 Time M anagement BE D 3 01 In termed iate Sho rthand II BE D 3 02 In termed iate Typ ewriting II BE D 3 03 R eco rd M ana gem ent I BED 304 B usiness Machine AC 3 06 Com pany Law S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 3 00 L E V E L VTE 311 Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme F I R ST S E M E S T E R 4 0 0 L E V E L EDU EDU EDU BED BED BED 400 Project 402 G uidance And Counseling 403 C ontinuous Assessment 401 O ffice Dictation I 402 W ord Processing I 403 Personnel Management 6C 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 19 15C 3C 2C 3C 2C 3C 3C 3C 2C 3C 24 2C 2C 2C 2C 2E 2C 2C 2C 3C 2C 2C 2C 25 S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 4 00 L E V E L EDU 411 O rganization Of Primary And Secondary Education EDU 413 C omparative Education EDU 415 E ducationalPsychology VTE 411 Professional Seminar BE D 4 1I O ffice D ictation II BE D 4 12 W ord P rocessin g II BED 413 Hum an Relations And Personnel BE D 4 14 R ecord M anag emen t II ACC 415 M anagement Information System 2C 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 2C 3C 3C 23 Accounting, Secretarial and M ana gem ent O ptions of D elta Sta te University, Abraka F I R ST S E M E S T E R 1 0 0 L E V E L BED 101Introduction to Secretarial Education in Shorthand I BED 102 Introduction to Secretarial Education in Typewriting I EDU 100 Introduction to Teaching Profession EDU 101 H istory of Education EDU 102 D evelopmental Psychology ACC 101 Introduction to Accounting I BUS 102 I ntroduction to Business Mathematics ECN 102 P rinciples of Econom ics I GS T 10 1 U se of E nglish a nd L ibrary GS T 1 02 P hilos oph y an d L ogic 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 3C 3C 2C 2C 22S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 3 00 L E V E L BE D 3 12 B usiness Edu cation S tatistics II BED 313 H uman Resources Management in Education EDU 311 Educational Psychology EDU 312 R esearch Methods and Data Processing ACC 311 Corporate Accounting II (Accounting Option) ACC 312 Taxation AC C 3 13 C ost A ccou nting II F I R ST S E M E S T E R 4 0 0 L E V E L BED BED BED BED EDU EDU EDU ACC 400 Research Project 402 Project Evaluation 403 A dmin. Of Vocational and Technical Education 404 Business Finance 401 Teaching Practice 402 G uidance and Counseling 403 C ontinuous Assessment 402 Advanced Financial Accounting 6C 2C 2C 2E 3C 2C 2C 3C 21 2C 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 3C 18 61 Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci. , 2(2): 58-64, 2010S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 4 00 L E V E L BED BED BED BED BED EDU EDU ACC 410 Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) 411 Sm all Business Development 412 Professional Seminar 413 B usiness Education and Industrial Relations 414 M anpower Training and Development 411 O rganization of Primary and Secondary Education 412 C omparative Education 412 Financial Management 6C 2C 2C 2C 3E 2C 2C 3C BED 313 H uman Resources Management in Education BE D 3 14 In termed iate W ord P rocessin g II B E D 3 15 In te rm ed ia te Sh orth an d II (1 00 W PM ) BED 316 Law and :Practice of Meetings (E) BE D 3 17 S ecretarial Pro cedu re EDU 311 E ducational Psychology EDU 312 R esearch Methods and Data Processing F IR S T SE M E S T E R 40 0 LE V E BED 400 Research Project BED 402 Project Evaluation BED 403 A dmin.Of Vocational and Technical Education BED 404 Business Finance BED 405 A dvanced Word Processing I B E D 4 06 Ad va nc ed Sh orth an d I (1 10 W PM ) EDU 401 Teaching Practice EDU 402 G uidance and Counseling EDU 403 C ontinuous Assessment S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 4 00 L E V E L B ED 410 BED 411 BED 412 BED 413 BED 414 BE D 4 15 B E D 4 16 BED 417 EDU 411 EDU 412 Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) Sm all Business Development Professional Seminar B usiness Education and Industrial Relations M anpower Development A dvan ced W ord P rocess II Ad va nc ed Sh orth an d I (1 20 W PM ) V ocational Guidance in Business Education O rganization of Primary and Secondary Education C omparative Education 6C 2C 2C 2C 3E 2C 2E 2E 2C 2C 25 4C 2C 2C 2E 2C 2E 3C 2C 2C 21 2C 2C 2C 2E 2C 2C 3C 19 22Managem ent Option of Delta State University, Abraka F I R ST S E M E S T E R 3 0 0 L E V E L ED U 30 2 Bu siness Education S tatistics I BED 303 B anking Education EDU 300 Teaching Practice EDU 301 E ducational Administration and Planning EDU 302 E ducational Technology BUS 304 Production Management BUS 307 D ata Processing and Management Information B U S 30 2 Bu si ne ss La w I S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 3 00 L E V E L BED 311 Business M achines BE D 3 12 B usiness Edu cation S tatistics II BED 313 H uman Resources Management in Education EDU 311 E ducational Psychology EDU 312 R esearch Methods and Data Processing BUS 316 C onsumer Behaviour and Production BUS 317 D ata Processing and Management Information F I R ST S E M E S T E R 4 0 0 L E V E L BED BED BED BED EDU EDU EDU BUS 400 Research Project 402 Project Evaluation 403 A dmin. Of Vocational and Technical Education 404 Business Finance 401 Teaching Practice 402 G uidance and Counseling 403 C ontinuous Assessment 401 Business Policy 6C 2C 2C 2E 3C 2C 2C 3C 22 2E 2C 2C 2C 3C 3C 3C 17 2C 2C 3C 2C 2C 2C 3C 2C 18DISCUSSION The objectives, philosophy and admission requirements of both universities are the same. The course description of Compu ter education option of Delta State University was not stated in their handbook an indication that the p rogramm e is yet to take of. It was also observed that the present curriculum being operated by the Business Education of Delta State University bec ame operational in 2006/2007 academic session to date. Differences in course units were observed. For example, according to Ambrose Alli University, F aculty of Education hand book (2000), shorthand, which is 3 units in Ambrose A lli University, is 2 units in Delta State University. Title differences were observed e. g. n Amb rose Alli University BED 205 and BED 215 is Business Comm unica tion, w hile in De lta State University Business Communication is coded BUS 114. BED 400, which is research pro ject in D elta State University, is EDU 400 in Am brose Alli Un iversity. There are some courses that are offered in Ambrose Alli University that are not offered in D elta State University. A lso there are some courses that are offered in Delta State University that are not offered in Ambrose Alli University, such as BED 113 Principles of Business Education, GST 114 Communication in French, BED 203 Marketing Management Education, BED 214 Leadership b ehaviou r, BED 410 Small Business Deve lopment, BED 413 Business Education and Industrial Relations BED 414 Manpower Training and D evelo pme nt.S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 4 00 L E V E L BED 410 Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) BED 411 Sm all Business Development BED 412 Professional Seminar BED 413 B usiness Education and Industrial Relations BED 414 M anpower Development EDU 411 O rganization of Primary and Secondary Education EDU 412 C omparative Education BUS 416 Sale Management 6C 2C 2C 2C 3E 2C 2C 2C 21 Secretarial Technology Option of Delta State University, Abraka F I R ST S E M E S T E R 3 0 0 L E V E L BED 302 B usiness Edu cation Statistics I BED 303 B anking Education BED 304 Intermediate Word Processing I B E D 3 05 In te rm ed ia te Sh orth an d I (9 0 W P M ) BED 306 Office Information System EDU 300 Teaching Practice EDU 301 E ducational Administration and Planning EDU 302 E ducational Technology B U S 30 2 Bu si ne ss La w 1 S E C O N D S E M E S T E R 3 00 L E V E L BED 311 Business M achines BE D 3 12 B usiness Edu cation S tatistics II 2C 2C 2C 2C 3C 2C 2E 3C 2C 2C 2C 20 62 Curr. Res. J. Soc. Sci. 2(2): 58-64, 2010 W hile the following are courses offered in Am brose Alli University that are not offered in D elta State University; BED 111 O ffice Practice; BED 114 Foundamental of Business; ECO 111 Economics Practice; ACC 208 Business Law; V TE 301 Time M anag eme nt; VTE 201 VTE in Nigeria and other coun tries; BED 203 Planning Organizing Office; BED 303 R ecord Manag eme nt, and BED 415 M anagement Information System. CONCLUSION C It is our responsibility to plan, im plem ent, and update programmes so that students can attain a satisfactory level of achievement appropriate to either imm ediate employment or advanced education in preparation for later employment. Opportunities are ab undant for studen ts in the business w orld if their preparation is complete and if their attitudes are positive.RECOMMENDATIONS The authors hold the view that to be relevant in t he 21 st Century, business educ ators sh ould be trained based on the following courses: 100 and 200 level for both office education and accounting education: (1) Computer in business education (2) Shorthand (3) Introduction to Office Education in typewriting 1 (4) Principle of Accounting 1 (5) Introdu ction to Office education in typewriting II (6) Office Ma nagem ent (7) Introduction to B usiness (8) Principles of Accou nting II (9) Office Information System 1 (10) Basic word processing in Office (11) Business Communication (12) Financial Accounting 1 (13) Business Law 1 (14) Basic word processing in Office II (15) Business Ma chines (16) B usiness C omm unication II (18) Planning/Organisation of Office operations. (19) Office Information system II (20) Entrepreneurship. 00 and 400 level office technology: (1) Audio typing (Manual and Electric) (2) Record Management (3) Time Management (4) Company Law (5) Sma ll Scale Business (Introduction to Bu siness) (6) Indu strial Attachment (SIWES) (7) Practical Teaching ( 8) Applied W ord processing in Office (9) Office Dictation I (10) Business Ownership/Applied Economics (11) Human/Personnel Management (12) Marketing (13) Industrial and Labour Relations (14) Applied W ord processing in Office II (15) Office Dictation II (16) Record Management II (17) Seminar and Project wo rk. This is how ever subjec t to regular revision. 300 and 400 level accounting education: (1) Record Management (2) Time Managem ent (3) Company Law (4) Small Scale Business (Introduction to Business) (5) Industrial Attachment (SIWES) (6) Practical Teaching (7) 63 C Business Ow nership/Applied E conom ics (8) Human/Personnel Management (9) Marketing (10) Industrial and Labour Relations (11) Record Management II (12) Seminar (13) Project work. Accounting courses from Accounting Department should be added to the above. This is however subject to regular revision.Other recommendations are; C National University Commission should regularize the curr iculum of business education in all Nigerian Universities. Curriculum planners should be careful while planning in order not to remove some essential recipes from the existing content. Such as the issue of shorthand to be or not to be. All business education students should be allowed to offer all courses in 100-200 levels and specialized in 300 levels. National University Commission should take it upon her self to redeploy those lecturers who are not business educators specialist to their specialized departments. Regular review of the curriculum of our educational system is urgently required.This view is supported by that of Snyder (2008) which stated tha t flexible curriculum is important because there is no single curricular path to career success. While Kaplan (2008) says g iving studen ts more flexibility, is not a radical departure from their curriculum . Government shou ld provide fun ds and equ ipment to assist holistic regular curriculum designers for the smooth running of business education programmes as this will encourage parents, teachers and students. This is in line with Omo-Ojugo and Ohiwerei (2008) that stated that local, state and federal gove rnments shou ld assist by providing funds and equipment for teaching and learning of business education.More courses shou ld be incorporated in the business curriculum to provide more job opportunities for graduates as recently carried out by the U niversity of Chicago Gradu ate school of Business as confirmed by Sny der (2008). REFERENCES Amb rose Alli U niversity, 2000. Fac ulty of Education Handbook for Undergraduate Students 2000-2004. Ekpoma, AAU. Delta State University, 200 6. Bu siness Education Unit Academ ic Programme for B. Sc. Degree In Business Education. Abraka, Delsu. Federal Government of Nigeria, 2004. National Policy on Education. Yaba Lago s: NERD C Press. Hornby, A. S. , 2006. Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary of Cu rrent Eng lish. th Edn. , London, Oxford press. C C C C Curr. Res. J . Soc. Sci. , 2(2): 58-64, 2010 Kaplan, S. , 2008. Curriculum Changes Announced by University of Ch icago Graduate School of Business. Business Wire. Posted on W ednesd ay, 8th October. 09:00 CDT. Okoye, N. S. , 1991. Curriculum Theory and Development. Enugu, Ne w A ge Publishers. Omo-Ojugo, M . O. and F. O. Ohiwerei, 2008. School factors affecting teaching and learning of business education studies in Nig eria. Pak. J. Soc. Sci. , 5(7): 663-670. ISSN : 1683 -8831. Pitman, I. , 1974. Dictionary of English and Shorthand. Lon don, Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd. Robert, G. and W. W . Booth, 2008.Curriculum Changes Announced by University of C hicag o Graduate School of by Business. Business W ire. Posted on Wednesday, 8th October. 09:00 CDT. Snyder, E. , 2008. Curriculum Changes Announced by University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. Business W ire. Posted on W ednesd ay, 8th October. 09:00 CDT. Uhumu avbi, P. O. and E. S. Ebhomhen, 2006. Curriculum innovation in Nigeria, succe sses and failures: implication for teacher ed ucation. J. Curric. Stud. Instr. , 2: 69-77, ISSN: 1117-4080. Uwaifo, V. O. , 2006. Vocationalization A panacea for a s us ta in a ble t e c h n ol o g i ca l a nd m an p ow e r development in Nigeria. J. Curric. Stud. Instr. , 2: 3039, ISSN: 1117-4080. 64
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